VoteVets Unveils Bold Plan: Military Bases to Replace Fox News with Care Bears Marathon

In a groundbreaking move, progressive veterans advocacy group VoteVets has launched a new ad campaign calling for an end to the airing of Fox News on military bases. Their reasoning? Fox News, the alleged purveyor of disinformation and conspiracy theories, poses a grave threat to national security. But fear not, for VoteVets has a brilliant solution up their sleeves.

In their ad, VoteVets points out that while the Pentagon invests millions in training our brave troops to resist enemy propaganda, military bases themselves have become breeding grounds for falsehoods and conspiracy theories, courtesy of Fox News. This revelation has sent shockwaves through the ranks, leaving many soldiers wondering if they should be more concerned about foreign adversaries or the 8 PM slot on cable TV.

The ad specifically targets Fox News hosts Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity, accusing them of spreading false claims about the 2020 election to boost ratings. According to VoteVets, these hosts have “open access” to military bases, where their nefarious propaganda threatens to undermine the integrity of our armed forces. It’s a real-life drama that could put any Hollywood conspiracy thriller to shame.

To combat this insidious threat, VoteVets proposes a radical solution: replacing Fox News with a marathon of the beloved children’s show, Care Bears. Yes, you read that right. Instead of being bombarded with alleged disinformation, our brave troops would bask in the warmth and love emanating from those cuddly, colorful bears. Just imagine the sight of battle-hardened soldiers singing along to catchy tunes and learning valuable lessons about sharing and caring. It’s a utopia of rainbows and harmony that would make even the most hardened cynic weep tears of joy.

But why stop at Care Bears? VoteVets envisions a future where military bases become hubs of positivity and enlightenment. Perhaps they could screen episodes of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, where kindness reigns supreme, or play classic Disney films that inspire courage and resilience. Imagine the sight of battle tanks adorned with Mickey Mouse decals, spreading joy and wonder in the most unexpected places.

While critics may dismiss this plan as far-fetched, VoteVets remains steadfast in their belief that our troops deserve a break from the constant barrage of allegedly false information. They argue that by embracing love and friendship, our military can become impervious to the wily tactics of disinformation peddlers. After all, who needs a well-informed military when you have the power of Care Bears on your side?

Only time will tell if VoteVets’ audacious proposal gains traction, but one thing is clear: the battle for truth and enlightenment has reached the hallowed halls of military bases, and the Care Bears are leading the charge.