Biden’s Wannabe Dictatorship: Trump Arrested, Democracy Now a Game of Capture the Ex-President

In a shocking turn of events, President Joe Biden, the self-proclaimed champion of unity and tolerance, has revealed his true colors as a wannabe dictator. Desperate to solidify his power and quash any opposition, Biden orchestrated the arrest of his political opponent, the indomitable Donald J. Trump. Welcome to the latest episode of “Democracy Gone Wild.”

The nation watched in both horror and amusement as Biden’s grand plan unfolded. It all began when the president donned his finest cloak of authoritarianism and summoned his minions to devise a masterstroke to silence the man he simply cannot get out of his head. Unable to defeat Trump at the ballot box, Biden decided to take matters into his own hands, proving that if you can’t beat ’em, arrest ’em!

Under the cover of darkness, the FBI, equipped with top-secret handcuffs and an oversized net, stormed Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. The ensuing chaos resembled a comical game of cat and mouse, as Trump was seen darting through the hallways, evading capture with a combination of his signature hairdo and a series of well-placed “You’re fired!” shout-outs. It was truly a sight to behold.

But alas, the forces of Biden’s regime proved too formidable. Trump was eventually apprehended, despite his attempts to negotiate a deal involving a new season of “The Apprentice” and a lifetime supply of hair spray. The nation held its breath as the ex-president was hauled away, his orange complexion slowly fading into the distance.

Biden, now reveling in his newfound dictatorial glory, addressed the nation from behind a towering podium adorned with the words “Unity for Me, But Not for Thee.” In a perfectly rehearsed speech, he proclaimed, “Today, I have secured victory for democracy! By arresting my political opponent, I have demonstrated that I am the one true champion of freedom and justice.” The crowd, comprised of an assortment of confused onlookers, erupted into a mix of applause and bewildered laughter.

Of course, Biden’s audacious move did not go unnoticed by the media. Various news outlets struggled to maintain their composure while reporting on the spectacle. CNN’s anchor, trying hard to suppress a giggle, stated, “Well, folks, it seems that President Biden is taking a page out of the ‘Dictatorship for Dummies’ handbook. Who knew we would witness such an exquisite display of democracy in action?”

Conservatives, naturally, were not amused. Leading Republicans expressed their dismay at Biden’s blatant power grab. One senator said, “I thought this was America, where we settle our differences through debates, not by imprisoning our opponents. But hey, if this is the new normal, I guess I should start prepping my own cell. The thought of spending quality time with my colleagues across the aisle is simply thrilling.”

As the nation grapples with the fallout of Biden’s bold move, one thing is certain: Democracy has taken an unexpected detour into the realm of absurdity. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show as our “unifier-in-chief” continues to unite us by arresting those who dare to challenge him. Welcome to the twilight zone we call politics!